✅ You're 40 Seconds Away..

What if you could have a killer, professional presentation in 40 seconds?

Your daily LinkedIn cheat code has landed.

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Trusted by 1,000s of top universities, companies and professionals.

FREE AI Presentation Maker

What if you could have a killer, professional presentation in 40 seconds?

MagicSlides allows you to create presentations from any topic, text, video, PDF, Docx and more - in just a few clicks.

  1. Get started: Signup to MagicSlides for free - no card required.

  2. Choose a topic: Enter any topic, youtube URL, PDF, text (or use the bulb for AI suggestions).

  3. Generate for free: Download your finished, stunning Powerpoint - in under 40 seconds.

Your next presentation is killer - and it’s only 40 seconds away.

Directions: Copy & paste into ChatGPT, replace parameters [ ] with your info.

📈 Offer LinkedIn Profile Optimization Tips

Share a series of tips for optimizing this LinkedIn profile, [insert profile URL] to attract [insert specific opportunities, e.g., speaking engagements, consulting work].

Provide examples of improved copy.

Optimize copy with keywords relevant to [insert industry] and [insert product/service].


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