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  • 30 Best LinkedIn Message Templates (Free Guide)

30 Best LinkedIn Message Templates (Free Guide)

Automate, scale, and enhance your LinkedIn outreach.

Navigating the vast network of LinkedIn can be daunting, especially when you're looking to make meaningful connections.

Whether you're reaching out for advice, job opportunities, or expand your network, crafting the perfect message is key.

Here's 17 effective LinkedIn message templates to help you break the ice:

17 Best LinkedIn Message Templates

1. LinkedIn Cold Message Template

Hi [Name],

I came across your profile and was impressed by your work at [Company]. Particularly, your experience in [specific area] aligns with my interests. Would you be open to connecting and potentially having a brief chat about your career path?

[Your Name] 

2. LinkedIn InMail Template

Subject: Quick question about [topic related to their work]

Hi [Name],

I've been following your work in [industry/field] and have a quick question about [specific point]. Would you have a few minutes to share your insights?

Best regards,
[Your Name]

3. LinkedIn Connection Request Message Template

Hi [Name],

I'd love to connect based on our shared interest in [industry/topic]. I admire your work at [Company]. 

[Your Name]

4. LinkedIn Follow-Up Message Template

Hi [Name],

Thanks for connecting! I enjoyed reading your recent post on [topic]. Would love to hear more about your thoughts on [related question]. 

[Your Name]

5. LinkedIn Congratulations Message Example

Hi [Name],

Congrats on [their achievement]! Your dedication to [related area] is inspiring. Keep up the great work!

[Your Name]

6. LinkedIn Introduction Message Template

Hi [Name],

I noticed that we're both connected to [mutual connection's name]. I'd love to connect as I'm interested in learning more about your work in [their field].

[Your Name]

7. Thank You for Connecting on LinkedIn Template

Hi [Name],

Thanks for connecting. I'm looking forward to staying updated on your work in [their field].

[Your Name]

8. LinkedIn Referral Message Template

Hi [Name],

I hope all is well. I'm interested in a position at [Company] and noticed you're connected with [person's name]. Would you be comfortable making an introduction? I'd greatly appreciate any insights you could share.

[Your Name] 

9. LinkedIn Coffee Chat Message Template

Hi [Name],

I really admire your work in [industry/field]. Would you be open to a quick virtual coffee chat sometime to discuss [topic of interest]? I'd love to learn more about your career journey. 

[Your Name]

10. LinkedIn Message Template for Networking

Hi [Name],

I'm interested in expanding my network in [industry/field] and your profile stood out. Would you be open to connecting and potentially sharing some advice?

[Your Name] 

11. LinkedIn Message Template for a Job

Hi [Name],

I'm very interested in the [position name] role at [Company]. My experience in [relevant skills] aligns well with the job requirements. Would you be open to a brief chat about the position?

[Your Name]

12. LinkedIn Message Template to Alumni

Hi [Name],

I see you're a fellow alum of [University name]. I'm currently exploring opportunities in [industry/field]. Would you have a few minutes to share your experience after graduation?

[Your Name]

13. LinkedIn Internship Message Template

Hi [Name],

I'm a [year] student at [University name] majoring in [your major]. I'm very interested in the internship opportunities at [Company]. Would you be able to provide any insights into the program? 

[Your Name]

14. LinkedIn Recruiter Message Template

Subject: Interest in [position name] at [Company]

Hi [Name],

I'm highly interested in the [position name] position and believe my skills in [relevant areas] would be a great fit. I'm available for a brief chat to further discuss my qualifications. 

[Your Name]

15. LinkedIn Sales Message Template

Hi [Name],

I believe [your company] could benefit from [briefly explain how your product/service solves their potential pain point]. Would you be open to a quick call to explore this further?

[Your Name] 

16. LinkedIn Message Template for Business

Hi [Name],

I enjoyed your recent insights on [topic]. Would you be open to exploring a potential collaboration between our companies? I think there may be some interesting synergies. 

[Your Name]

17. LinkedIn Candidate Outreach Message Template

Subject: Exciting opportunity at [Company]

Hi [Name],

I came across your profile and your experience in [relevant field] is impressive. We have an open [position name] role at [Company] that aligns well with your skills. Would you be interested in learning more?

[Your Name]thank you for connecting on linkedin template

18. LinkedIn Mentorship Request Message Template

Hi [Name],

I've been truly inspired by your career trajectory in [field/industry], especially your achievements in [specific achievement]. I'm at a pivotal point in my career and seeking guidance. Would you consider being a mentor to share your insights and advice with me?

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

19. LinkedIn Feedback Request Message Template

Your expertise in [area] is something I deeply respect. I've recently worked on [project or topic] and would value your feedback immensely. Could you spare a few moments to share your thoughts?

Thank you,
[Your Name]

20. LinkedIn Event Invitation Message Template

Hi [Name],

I'm organizing an event on [topic/industry event] and thought of you. Your contribution to [specific area] has been noteworthy. It would be an honor to have you join us on [date]. Can I send you more details?

Kind regards,
[Your Name]

21. LinkedIn Article Share Message Template

Hi [Name],

I came across this article on [topic] and immediately thought of our recent conversation. I believe you might find it insightful. Let me know your thoughts!

[Your Name]

22. LinkedIn Collaboration Proposal Template

Hi [Name],

Your work at [Company] in [field] is truly innovative. I see a potential for collaboration between our teams that could benefit both our projects. Are you open to a discussion about this?

[Your Name]

23. LinkedIn Update Sharing Template

Hi [Name],

I remember our conversation about [topic] and wanted to share an update on my progress. [Briefly describe what’s new]. It would be great to hear your thoughts and any advice moving forward.

Looking forward to catching up,
[Your Name]

24. LinkedIn Congratulations on New Role Template

Hi [Name],

Congratulations on your new role as [position] at [Company]! Your expertise will undoubtedly make a significant impact. Wishing you all the best in this new chapter.

[Your Name]

25. LinkedIn Project Launch Announcement Template

Hi [Name],

I’m excited to share that we’ve launched [project/product]! Given your interest in [related area], I thought you’d like to know. Here’s a link to more details [link if appropriate]. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

[Your Name]

26. LinkedIn Informational Interview Request Template

Hi [Name],

I've been exploring opportunities in [industry] and your experience at [Company] stands out. Would you be open to a brief informational interview? I’d love to learn from your journey and gain insights.

Thanks so much,
[Your Name]

27. LinkedIn Gratitude for Advice Template

Hi [Name],

I wanted to express my gratitude for the advice you shared with me about [topic]. It was incredibly helpful and has guided my decisions in [specific way]. Thank you for your generosity and support.

[Your Name]

28. LinkedIn Volunteer Opportunity Inquiry Template

Hi [Name],

I noticed you have connections with [Company/Individual]. I’m very interested in [opportunity/job/project] they have. Could I ask for your support in making an introduction? Your referral would mean a lot to me.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

29. LinkedIn Opportunity Referral Request Template

Hi [Name],

I noticed you have connections with [Company/Individual]. I’m very interested in [opportunity/job/project] they have. Could I ask for your support in making an introduction? Your referral would mean a lot to me.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

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