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Your daily LinkedIn cheat code has arrived.

Your daily LinkedIn cheat code has landed.

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Over 122,800+ users from 91 countries trust MeetAlfred.

FREE Personalized LinkedIn Greetings

Touch base with your prospects by being with them every step of the way—automatically, of course.

MeetAlfred makes it easy to stay connected and thoughtful.

  • Auto-Messages for Important Days: Keep leads warm and engaged with perfectly-timed messages

  • Congratulate New Roles: Show recognition for effort and commitment and be a part of their success

  • Acknowledge Endorsements: Recognize contacts who help drive your growth

Boost your LinkedIn productivity and achieve results faster.

Directions: Copy & paste into ChatGPT, replace parameters [ ] with your info.

💬 LinkedIn Skill Endorsement Request 

Compose a message to your LinkedIn connections requesting endorsements for your skills in [insert skillset - e.g., project management, software development]. Explain how their endorsement would validate your expertise and assist in your professional growth. The message should be cordial and personalized, highlighting the mutual benefit of endorsing each other's skills to enhance credibility among [insert target audience - e.g., industry peers, potential employers].


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